Wednesday, July 8, 2009

E-government in Malaysia : Its implementation so far and citizen's adoption strategies

The Electronic Government initiative in Malaysia was launched to lead the country into the Information Age. It seeks to improve the convenience, accessibility and quality of interactions with citizens and businesses. Simultaneously, it will improve information flows and processes within government to improve the speed and quality of policy development, coordination and enforcement.

The vision of Electronic Government focuses on the effectiveness and efficiency of delivering services from the government to the citizens in Malaysia, enabling the government to become more responsive to the needs of the citizens. The myGovernment Portal acts as the one-stop source of Malaysian government information and services for the citizens.

Citizens can get sufficient information and services from the E-Government. The site provides different level of education such as pre-school education, primary school education, higher education or even adult aducation. Only Malaysia citizens above the age of 18 years may seek employment in Malaysia. Opportunities abound in a wide variety of industries and fields, in both the private and public sector.

Besides, information obtained by citizen are secured and safe. The ability for a nation to function and prosper relies heavily on its level of security and safety. Thus, it enables trade, businesses and organizations to grow as well as encourages foreign investments. The national identity, crime prevention, fire and rescue, health related emergency and national defense can also be detected. Furthermore, citizens can obtain other information and services such as legal matters, public amenities and utilities and health easily.

2 comments on "E-government in Malaysia : Its implementation so far and citizen's adoption strategies"

tk on July 9, 2009 at 2:38 AM said... only i know E government so fast and efficient. hope it will help us when we really need it.

nightkids said...

E-Government is a very good idea and good way for us to deliver our need and problem we face in this country..and there is another website which is created by Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna which provide us the price of goods in few supermarket so that we can compare the prices..wish the gov can keep it..

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